Office Update Regarding COVID-19

Dear Northwest Hearing Services Patients:

We wanted to let you know that we will be reopening on Monday May 18th. We are so happy to start seeing our patients again! However, the health and safety of our patients is our #1 priority. When we re-open we will be implementing new rules and mandatory procedures to maintain the health and safety of our staff and patients. Please be patient with us as we slowly re-open and start getting patient appointments rescheduled. We are doing our best to meet our patients’ needs.

Please review the new mandatory guidelines we will be following:

  1. We will be screening all patients including a temperature check prior to scheduled appointments. We will be using the questions regarding exposure, symptoms and travel as recommended by the CDC and state of VT prior to allowing a patient to enter the office.

  2. We are asking that all patients wear a mask during their appointment. We will also be wearing masks and abiding by the 6ft separation rule when possible. When contact with a patient is necessary, we will wear a mask and face shield as well as gloves.

  3. In an effort to reduce the number of patients gathering in our waiting room, we are asking that you wait in your car when you arrive for your appointment. We will come get you once the office has been properly sanitized from the patient before you.

  4. Please come into the office for your appointment alone. Unless you need help with getting into the office, we ask that you leave friends and family members at home.

  5. We ask that all appointments be made in advance-there will be no walk ins accepted.

  6. We will thoroughly sanitize surfaces, door handles, tools, computers, etc. after each patient.

  7. We look forward to seeing you all very soon! We ask for your patience and understanding as we may face some challenges while we carefully move forward. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office.

    Thank you,
    Dr. Kristi Dumont
    Northwest Hearing Services, PC

Get In Touch

We'd love to set up a consultation for you or answer any questions you may have.

(802) 527-0865

32 Mapleville Depot, St. Albans VT 05478

Mon - Thurs: 8:30am-4:30pm

Same Day Service Available by Appointment